if you have any more members in your household
if you have pets
BY SUBMITTING THIS application, I agree that the information provided by me on the questionnaire / Application is true to the best of my knowledge. I understand that MAGNUS Resources may conduct a reference check. The reference check must include information regarding Character, Employment, Criminal record and reputation. I understand that MAGNUS Resources is a referral agency and not a Candidate / employee or agent of prospective Candidate / employee. I understand that the submission of this application will not guarantee me a Caregiver for employment. I understand and agree that I will neither contact nor employ any and all the candidates, referred by MAGNUS Resources, directly or indirectly without explicit permission obtained from MAGNUS Resources. I understand and agree that if I employ any and all candidates referred by MAGNUS Resources, without explicit permission obtained from MAGNUS Resources, I am responsible for paying all placement fees and other related expenses within 48 hours of nanny’s employment with me.